JavaScript methods for beginners.


2 min readJun 15, 2017

I feel super excited already while writing this! If you are NOT a beginner javascript developer then you may just hit the green heart and swipe left Else, just keep scrolling down for the raccoon if you got less than a minute.

This is actually an introduction to the series, JavaScript (JS) methods for beginners. We would be breaking down various JS methods so even my grandmother can understand them! A lot of time and effort has been put into this as it has been observed that a lot of developers leave the basics of JavaScript and jump straight to Monsieur Angular or Mr. React only to later end up digging StackOverflow asking to split arrays.

This series is aimed at demystifying JS methods for the ‘newbie’ JS developer. Basic knowledge of JS (mind you NOT jQuery) is however essential (just so you don’t get confused). If you are a ‘grand-master’ developer you are also welcome as you may still not know if its slice or splice and your feedback would be appreciated also.

These methods include but are not limited to String methods, Array methods and Number methods. Wherever a particular method applies to both strings and arrays they would be explained for both cases. We would also explain the simple concept of mutating methods and non-mutating methods among others.

Posts would be released at the beginning of every week.

Basic illustrations would be used to communicate effectively (hope you like raccoons, yes raccoons and barbecue chicken pizza maybe).

console.log(“raccoon magic”)

Now you have ’em eyes, feedback would be highly appreciated, social media shares, comments and mentions are welcome, and also the ever important green heart should be clicked so others can see this too.

Lastly, lets all help build the tech community in general, be it web, traditional software or hardware because it is indeed the future (ever seen StarWars?). Support that local meetup, organize a local meetup and we all know a newbie developer, say to him/her “Lets do this!”.

Now hit that heart, watch this space while we wait, ‘cus the new week is upon us already and i’m supercharged!




Written by Chuloo

Human, Developer, Developer Advocate… I like and a couple of other cool stuff. William Imoh!

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