From introvert to extrovert in 10 minutes

a true story….

3 min readJun 26, 2017
em extroverts

It was almost summer 2008, a young student in Senior Secondary School i was. Almost extremely introverted with a particular crop of friends whom i stuck with for years.

The high school social week had just begun and the peak of the event for us wasn’t the debate competition, or the talks from speakers but rather the quiz competition where students get to win fantastic prizes (as we saw it then).

The day had turn out well, looking a little shabby as usual not caring what anybody thought or if they existed at all, i walked into the hall filled with students chattering and making hella noise. I had only sat down for a while before the quiz started, as usual students were answering questions and getting to win Mathematical sets, clocks and small prizes. I decided sitting in the hall was too noisy and no use at all, rather i’d be at the door with my homie Promise, i got up and went out.

About two minutes later, then came the question, booming through the speakers “who can recite the old Nigerian National Anthem?”. Not one word was heard from the students, nobody moved. It was 2008 come on! our fathers were young boys when it was last sang! But i knew it, a neighbor taught my inquisitive self some years back.

I ran into the hall, shocked, I couldn’t speak, nobody raised a hand, i couldn’t bring myself to raise my hand, students were asking each other looking for who knew any line at all. I tried to teach Promise that instant but he couldn’t even grasp past the first line with the tension.

Then came the business studies teacher, in his early 50’s, cleared his throat and his hoarse voice came through the speakers “since no one can recite it here, let me recite it”. My heart rate increased that instant as my opportunity was fast slipping, then came “Nigeria, we hail thee, our own dear native land…” slowly but steadily from the teacher, i couldn’t help but recite along with him, “though tribe and tongue may differ….” tears rolled down my cheeks as i recited in that corner. This was a hall with over 800 students and i knew something they didn’t, “in brotherhood we stand, Nigerians all, are proud to serve, our sovereign native land”.

The thunderous applause that ensued after just this first stanza drowned my already tear filled eyes. A custom mug which was like the most coveted prize on the list was given out. It could have been me, on that stage. That instant everything changed. I quickly wiped the already brave tears.

In just under 10 minutes everything had ended, i said to myself, never would i be in the position to say something i know or share it with others and i would hold it back. Never would i shy away from something if i don’t know it or i don’t know someone there, who knows they all might not know it too!

It wouldn’t matter what they thought anyways, after all no one would remember after few months or even years. Maybe no one, but I remember that day. The day everything changed.

Whatever it is you know, maybe others don’t know it too, don’t be scared to put it out there, expect negative feedback (i mean we are all humans except my dog decides to go haywire maybe). If you got someone you want to talk to hit em up, 100 years from now i bet you it most likely wouldn’t matter!

If you liked this story kindly hit that little heart and share this with others. Be happy about it too!




Written by Chuloo

Human, Developer, Developer Advocate… I like and a couple of other cool stuff. William Imoh!

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